Clwyd Compounders at the Canada Nuclear Virtual Trade Mission 

#exportwales by Wales Nuclear Forum (WNF)

Clwyd Compounders has been involved in many developments within the nuclear industry over the years, from new builds, storage, transportation and decommissioning.

This week we have joined top Welsh business’ in a virtual trade mission with the Wales Nuclear Forum to explore opportunities in the nuclear sector within Canada.

This was a great opportunity to share our knowledge within the industry and talk about our extensive experience delivering both compounds that meet rigorous specifications as well as complying with high standards of safety in such critical applications.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who was involved in the organisation of the event and all the specialists who have taken part over the four days. We look forward to meeting in person next time.

> Find out more about what we do:
>> Safety
>> Control of IP
>> De-risking the supply chain

Find out more about other industries we cover.


#nuclearindustry #wnf #exportwales #nuclearenergy #supplychain #safety #nuclearsafety #nuclear #rubbercompounds #elastomers
#wnf #opportunities #excellenceinenergy #performance #lifetime

