With our purpose-built factory and laboratory, we meet your requirements and industry standards for FDA compliant rubber.
The Rubber Compounding Specialists
Within our brand-new purpose-built factory, we offer a full range of rubber compound mixing facilities which when combined with our experienced technical team and production operators, the most difficult and technically challenging mixes can be produced consistently for the most demanding applications.
Clwyd Compounders have always strived to be at the forefront of technical service within the rubber industry and we have built our organisation to facilitate the most difficult materials and applications. We manufacture FDA compliant rubber that meets other industry standards including AMS specifications, ASTM D2240, and ASTM D2000. Our set-up allows our customers to scale up from an initial development phase through to a finished efficient production phase which is of the highest quality and consistency.

Supplying high-quality FDA compliant rubber
compounds and technical expertise
to meet rigorous customer requirements
and new industry standards