Clwyd is involved in the manufacture of elastomer materials used in several critical industries. Our rubber materials are used in essential life saving respiratory equipment supplied to Emergency Services, Government and Military organisations. Additionally, our materials are used in safety critical applications in the Oil and Gas, Nuclear Energy, Defence, Transport Industries and are also used in some medical devices.
As an essential business Clwyd will therefore continue to operate.
To maintain operations Clwyd have enforced a policy to minimise risk, that only those staff directly involved in the production and testing are working on site, adhering to strict sanitary measures and all other staff are now working remotely.
We see the short term outlook as very challenging as we do expect disruption to the supply chain. To try and mitigate this we are maintaining regular contact with all our supply chain. Thus far we are seeing minimum disruption, any customers affected by these disruptions have already been informed. We have also reviewed our stocks of raw materials and are confident that we have adequate stocks in place to deal with our regular repeat orders. If you are concerned or have had a change in your demands for compound, please inform us immediately so we can plan effectively.
We will continue to monitor the situation on a daily basis.