Our laboratory has continuously improved and expanded over our 40 years of business and we now have extensive testing facilities available on site.

Lab Facilities

We have established a good relationship with our numerous test equipment suppliers, and we plan to continue to expand our testing capabilities in the future. We hope to introduce additional test equipment that will further improve our ability to evaluate the performance and processing characteristics of our compounds, as well as supporting our customers in the test results that they require.
Quality control is always our number one priority and our approach is to assess the compounds as they are being mixed and feedback any relevant information to our processing operators in real time. This allows us to identify any batches that deviate from the mean and investigate the cause so that we can take relevant preventative measures to ensure the batches sent to dispatch are of the highest quality and meet our internal QC limits. Testing gates and limits are continuously maintained by a dedicated process controller we have operating on site.

Moving die rheometers (MDRs), Mooney viscometers, Dispergraders and Colour Spectrophotometers are among the test equipment utilised at this stage.

Provided they meet our stringent quality control requirements, batches that require additional testing are then sent to our specification testing area. We regularly test compounds to AMS, DTD, MIL, BS, ASTM D2000 and Def Stan specifications. If you require testing to industry specific specifications or prefer to use your own internal specifications, we can add them to our system.

The test equipment used in this area includes: Tensometers, Compression set jigs, Ozone cabinet, Gehman torsional stiffness (Low Temperature), Non-brittle (Low Temperature) and ovens for accelerated ageing and fluid immersion tests.

Compound development, raw material evaluation and product validation are other very important aspects of our business. This is another area where our testing facilities are regularly utilised to improve and validate compounds to ensure we are using the highest quality raw materials and polymers. We are able to use our TGA and FTIR to help with our validation process.

If you have a compound development opportunity that you require assistance with then please don’t hesitate to contact us. A dedicated member of our technical team will take ownership of your project, first working with you to define the scope of the project and then providing updates and feedback throughout the process. We have the capability to mix small scale (1-2kg) Banbury and mill mixes in house that can then be scaled up to full production quantities with a very fast turnaround.
HardnessBS ISO 48ASTM D2240ASTM D1415
DispersionBS ISO 11345ASTM D7723
DensityBS ISO 2781 A1ASTM D297 pt16
TensileBS ISO 37ASTM D412
Tear StrengthBS ISO 34-1ASTM D624
Compression SetBS ISO 815-1ASTM D395
Heat ResistanceBS ISO 188ASTM D573
Effect of LiquidsBS ISO 1817ASTM D471
Ozone ResistanceBS ISO 1431-1ASTM D1149
Low TemperatureBS903-A13BS ISO 1432ASTM D2137
Corrosion ResistanceBS ISO 6505